I am behind in the posts that I need to do--we had Rori's birthday party, her actual birthday, and our fabulous vacation. However, I need to edit pictures for those, and well, I finally booted up our computer for the first time since vacation, and haven't had time to play with the pictures. However, I have a bit of a public service announcement. A PSA.
I have a teeny tiny bladder. My friends can attest to this. The guy at work whose office is right next to the bathroom, can attest to this. I blame the giant babies that sat on my bladder for nine months. It's well known that I will not be able to make it through a movie at the theater without either squirming and leaping up at the credits, or more likely, missing part of the movie for a potty run. Then I get back to my seat and annoy Bill by asking what I have missed. We have contemplated getting me one of those suits that race car drivers wear--but I have decided that would be gross. Enter runpee.com! My friend Leslie sent me a link to this app a while ago. I tested it out last night when we went to see Spiderman. I downloaded it to my iPod (I am the second to last person on the planet to get a smart phone--if my sister beats me to it, I know I will officially be the last person on the planet). I wasn't sure if it would work at the theater because there is no wifi, but I figured I would give it a go. What do you know, it worked! It gave me 3 different potty options--and told me how long I had. Then when I got back to my seat, I could read the quick synopsis of what happened. You start the timer when the movie starts and it gives you the cues right before you should leave for the bathroom. As a bonus, it tells you if there are any scenes after the credits! Totally helpful--we will never miss scenes like the Avengers eating shwarma at a restaurant together again!
Anyway, just had to share my new favorite app (and it's free)! You now know me a little better...
Best Books to Read (Depending on Your Mood) Pt. 2
3 months ago