My first born would be nine years old today. I have come a long way from the broken young woman that didn't think I would be able to get out of bed ever again. I have even come a long way from the brokenness I still felt when I first wrote about Faith's birthday on this blog. I will always wish that she was here with us. That Rori had a big sister to share her room with, that I had two girls to grow up together, that Rori would have a best friend the way I have a best friend. However, this year, I can really say that God and time have healed my wounds. I am thankful. I am blessed.
I am thankful that I got to hold my sweet Faith, not just in my womb, but also in my arms, and forever in my heart. I am thankful that my family all held her and most importantly held me. Held me in their arms, and in their prayers. I am blessed whenever someone refers to her by name, reminds me they know her life was precious. I am blessed when my friends share stories of their losses. Blessed because we know and have experienced grief, but because of Him, we also know hope beyond measure. I am blessed because I can go back and read every email, card, and letter I received. I am not sure that I have ever felt so loved, or covered in prayer by the Body of Christ. So, my darling Faith, may you know that you are celebrated today, you are never forgotten, you hold a special place in my heart, and I look forward to the day where I may hold you and not ever have to let go.
Somebody asked me about reading her previous birthdays, you may find them here, here, here, and here
Best Books to Read (Depending on Your Mood) Pt. 2
2 months ago