I had posted, when I wrote about losing our daughter, Faith, that I had regretted not getting her a gravestone. She was our baby and deserved recognition as such. I had been thinking about it again, recently, and it has really been on my heart to get one. I mentioned to my friend, how I had hoped that Bill would think of it on his own so that I wouldn't have to bring it up to him. We had recently refinanced our mortgage, and therefore got to "skip" a mortgage payment. Basically that left us with a little extra money that could cover a gravestone. My friend wisely told me that men are different than women and I needed to just bring it up to him. I did and he agreed we should get one. He even said he'd call about it that week. A few weeks went by and he didn't mention it to me again. I got really frustrated inside because I took this to mean he didn't care about her the way I did. I felt like he just didn't get it. So, I took matters into my own hands and got the information again on how to go about getting a stone. I told him how I felt and he apologized and we agreed that next weekend we would go pick one out.
Last night my dear friend Anne, aka my Jilli.an Michaels, texted me and told me her sister lost her twin babies at 20 weeks pregnant. I was heartbroken for them. It brought back many of my memories. I couldn't stop thinking about them all night. Bill and I were laying in bed going to sleep and I felt the need to text Anne that her sister HAD to get pictures of her babies. That is the biggest regret of my life, not getting pictures of our Faith. After I texted her, Bill didn't ask what I sent, but he reached over and squeezed my hand and said, "I love you." And I knew then that he got it.
Best Books to Read (Depending on Your Mood) Pt. 2
4 months ago