
Goodbye sweet Chili Dawg

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I have been trying to write this post in my head all day. I can hardly type the words for the title without hyperventilating. I want to think of something encouraging to say to my dear sister. You see, she needs to put her souldog, Chili-Dawg to sleep tonight. He has very bad cancer, and after amputating his leg, the cancer has returned with a vengeance. I want to have the words to comfort her as they do what is best for the dog who has given them so much. But I don't have those words. What I do have is a heart that is broken for her, tears that have been shed for her, and hope that perhaps our beloved pets will be reunited with us in Heaven--Billy Graham is quoted as saying, "God will prepare everything for our perfect happiness in heaven, and if it takes my dog being there, I believe he'll be there." Who am I to argue with Billy Graham? :)

She found out last Friday that the cancer was back and it would be a short matter of time before she needed to say goodbye. If you have never loved a pet, you cannot imagine the pain she is feeling. If you have, then your heart is breaking along with hers. I can't even begin to describe the relationship that she has had with this dog--it is a once in a lifetime experience. God gave Chili to Jenna when she needed him most, and for whatever reason, has decided that his time on earth has come to an end. So my soul cries out to God for peace that transcends all understanding as she says goodbye for the last time tonight. That she will be strong and courageous when she returns home. And most of all, I thank you, Lord Jesus for the years that you allowed this precious animal to be her comforter, protector, and most of all best friend. Please, sweet Jesus, be with her now.


Jenna said...

Thank you Jaime. I miss him so much

Anonymous said...

Amen and amen. Mom

Anna said...

Such a beautiful picture and a beautiful post.

Anonymous said...

Beatifully written Jaime. We all will miss Handsome Rob very much. Watching him let the wind blow his mane about and knowing he was thinking I'm the most handsomest dog ever still makes me chuckle. Knowing Leia and Fred are waiting for him helps. Chili Dawg will be missed.--Bill