
After Church

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bill and I have been attending our church for about two years now. Previously we attended a very large church that was about 30 minutes away. We decided to move to a smaller one closer to home because we wanted to make connections with people and have the kids meet some friends that they could grow up with. The first Sunday that we went to Sunday School we met our friends Dan and Anne. Anne, being very outgoing, made us feel welcome (Dan did too) and they, as well as several other couples had kids the same ages as ours. We were excited and felt at home immediately. Two years later we have joined their small group and made a wonderful group of friends. Now, every Sunday after church we go to McDonald's with Dan and Anne and their kids. Lunch is eaten, conversations are enjoyed, and mayhem occurs! It's great and we love it!
By the way, Anne is the one I credit for helping me lose the weight I've lost so far! She's my personal Jill.ian Michaels! She encourages me to exercise and eat healthy. Everyone needs an Anne :)


Anna said...

Mayhem is good...I think. What a fun tradition.

Jenna said...

It looks like fun to me! Too bad we don't live close enough to go to the same church too. Good job on losing the weight, too!

Anonymous said...

So, yes I would also love to have Ann near me to help me and encourage me to eat healthy meals at McDonald's :-)

Anonymous said...

It's a very fun tradition and I don't think the kids will ever let us stop.--Bill

Adriane said...

That's so awesome! Jeff and I have yet to find a group like that since we came home. I miss it so much.

Baba HooHoo said...

These are one of the best times of your lives. Ah yes, I remember growing up along with our girls and a few of the other couples at church.