Guest post by Bill :)
This past Tuesday it was my honor and privilege to be the helper in Rori’s preschool class. I had a ball, it was so much fun. I am so proud of my little girl. She is so smart. I always knew she was smart, but when you ask her what she learned at school she tells you a letter, and says I cut things out and colored. The same thing happens with Sunday school and Cubbies. What did you learn today, I ask. About Jesus she says. I’ll learned on Tuesday that Rori can count both forwards and backwards, she knows the days of the week, the months of the year and the Pledge of Allegiance. It was a treat to see her interact with others kids. I got to hear all about Spiderman and Princesses from the little boys and girls in her class. I got to help them learn the letter K and found out everyone likes Cheez its. Not Cheese Nips, but the real deal Cheez its. My fun day did not end after school though. Rori and I picked up Liam and met my buddy Dan and his son and daughter at McDonalds playland. It was hamburgers, fries and cokes all around. There is nothing like a McDonald’s coke! The kids had a great time running for the 2 and half hours we were there and I had a nice adult conversation about something other than work. You think that would be a full day, but it was not. When we got home we blew off Liam's nap (sorry mom) and got bundled up and headed out into the snow. Rori shoveled off the sidewalk for me. Liam raked the sidewalk too--we only have two shovels. After I finished the driveway, it was playtime. We had a snowball fight, made a snowman and some snow angels too. I got to watch and cheer on Rori and Liam as they went down the Jungle Gym slide to see how fast and far they could go. After being outside for an hour and a half and the kids little cheeks being red it was time to go in. Rori was ready, Liam needed to be convinced. We all shared a bowl of hot oatmeal once we got into our dry, warm clothes. It was the perfect day even if Brendan would not go to sleep for me again. I can’t wait be to sick from work again (shhh) and help in Rori’s class in the New Year. Papa
Best Books to Read (Depending on Your Mood) Pt. 2
3 months ago
What a fun day for all!!! I heard you were a "star helper" at preschool...good for're a good dad. I hope mommy was out having fun!
Dad of the year for sure!
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