My dearest Faith,
Today you would be five years old. From the very beginning you were wanted by both your papa and me. I had always dreamed of having a baby girl. We were so excited to find out that you would be born around our wedding anniversary. We talked about you all the time. We couldn't believe that God had granted the desire of our hearts.
Did you know that when we found out that you would not live, there was no choice in my mind? We were going to give you every day that God had ordained for you. Do you know how many people were brought to their knees asking God to heal you? Because of you, people showed me more love than I had ever experienced. We received cards, flowers, and gifts to remember you with. We kept every single one. We cried at your gravesite as we visited it on your due date. We laid flowers, given to us by a dear friend, at your grave--but we knew that was not really your final resting place.
Do you know that you will never be forgotten? We were given momentos of your brief time with us that we keep in a box in our room. Your birthday is written on all our calendars. Your Auntie Jenna had your name tattooed on her back. Your grandma made us all ornaments with your footprints in them, so that we would always remember you at Christmas.
Did you know that God gave you a little sister and brother? I rejoice knowing that they will meet you someday. I thank God for them, and I also thank Him that He chose me to be your mommy. He chose me, before the beginning of time, to carry you, my precious girl. I wouldn't trade that for the world. When I get to Heaven, and become reunited with friends and family, I will also get to see you, and learn all about who you are. I look forward to that. I will get to know you in the most perfect way, in the most perfect place.
It has been five years since I held you in my arms, and not a day has gone by that I have not thought of you. I have cried tears for you many times over--tears for the wedding you won't have, the babies you won't carry, and I ache to hold you again. Did you know that when I found out you would not live, that I felt God tell me to name you Faith, because now I know that He used you to grow my own faith? I love you and will love you forever, my baby.