
In a nutshell

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We have been very busy the past week or so. Rori and Liam were invited to a birthday party at a bouncy house place. Both kids had a great time, but unfortunately I didn't get great pictures, because I was holding Brendan the whole time, and of course we remember what happened to my poor camera. If you aren't caught up, it was about 2 posts ago :) This is Rori with her special friend from church, Rachel. They held hands and were inseperable the whole time.

Rachel is Rori's surrogate sister. I'm so thankful that God brought her into Rori's life!

Another new development in our home has been a push to healthier eating. My dear husband has NEVER in his life eaten salad. He has eaten 4 bowls of spinach in the last two weeks. That may not sound impressive, but if you know Bill, you are thoroughly impressed. He told me he was going to eat salad everyday and came home with spinach! I would have thought he would pick a milder green, but he wasn't going to mess around! I'm so proud of him. Now, if I could just get him to add salad dressing to it, he might actually find it enjoyable...

I have been working out and bought a new Jilli*an Michaels DVD. This one is even more difficult than the 30 day Shr*ed! Rori watched me do it for a while and asked why my hair was so messy...I was essentially dead you can see.


Anna said...

You go Jaime & Bill! Not even salad dressing? Looks like it was a good work out, Jaime. What a sweet picture of Rori & Rachel.

Jenna said...

Jaimers, you look SO SEXY! Ryan can't believe the bill eats it with no salad dressing.

Anonymous said...

Jaime I am so proud you. You are doing such a good job with your work outs. I hate to admit this but I think I enjoyed the bouncy house B-day party as much if not more than the kids. What's not to love? Pizza, Coke and bouncy houses! It's not my fault that Liam need help inside the bouncy house. I can not wait the next b-day party--Bill

Anonymous said...

I wish I looked that good after doing Jillian...and Bill try some dressing! Broaden your horizons...I like spinach raw, it is sweeter than when cooked.
Love, Baba HooHoo

Karen Joy said...

WOW...that's some great photoshop you did of Bill with salad...I won't believe it till I see it at small group on Friday... :oD hehe!!!