
Happy 3 Months!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

3 months ago today, we met our newest gift! Isn't he handsome?!

I have a new favorite food site, courtesy of my friend Anna. She has this site on her blogroll and I've tried a few recipes and they have all been a hit! I made these peppermint brownies for New Year's Eve and they were really gorgeous! I have to say I used a box mix for the brownies and it wasn't a good one. Next time I'll use better brownies, but the frosting and ganache were oh so yummy!

I have tried their apple dumplings and their peppermint popcorn too! I think that explains why my New Year's resolution is to shrink my waistline and eliminate my rear end jiggle. This is one of the ways I plan on doing it. If you haven't tried this,
it is an awesome workout! Bill tried it for the first time yesterday and I suggested he try level 2. Well of course, the cave man in him had to show his wife that he could do level 3. Guess who could barely lift the phone to his ear afterwards?Anyway, it's one of the best home exercise DVD's I've ever tried!


Baba HooHoo said...

Happy 3 months my littlest man I ever loved! Want some brownies now! Go away Gillian...Bill go easy now we want you to be around for years.

Anna said...

Happy 3 months, Brendan!

Lesley said...

Wow- 3 months old already! He looks like his siblings....
Thanks for the tip on the workout DVD. I really need something like that since I know I won't get to the gym and we don't have exercise equipment right now.

Anonymous said...

Happy three months my baby boy. 2 days later and I'm still feeling it.--Bill

Jenna said...

3 months already?!? I'll have to try the Jillian DVD- go out and buy it, so that the next time Ryan is out of town and I can't go work out, I could do that.

Karen Joy said...

Okay, I want that DVD now, and my hubby will kill me, because I ALWAYS do DVDs or other work-out equipment, and it gets neglected. LOL We'll see if I can sneak it in the cart at Target sometime in the near future... :oD

And your peppermint brownies were YUMMY!!! Please make them again next year, and I may have to steal the recipe from you! :o)