Today I woke up feeling like a chunky monkey. I suppose it could be partly because it's that lovely bloatable time of the month, but I also think it's because I've been carbo-loading due to the fact that I am starting the South Beach Diet on Monday. I was super crabby because the three shirts that fit me were dirty and we were going to a birthday party for a little girl in Rori's Sunday School class. I feel like I'm always schlumpy when we get together with this family because I have few clothes that I'm comfortable in. My shirts are either too tight or too big. I'm stuck in that in between sizes abyss. So, I did what any rational person would do--I went to Target and bought a bunch of new shirts. (with my birthday money that I had been hoarding). I brought them home without trying them on because there wasn't time for that. Surely 50% of them would work. I tried on the first fit, but it made me look tired and pasty. Not good for my fragile ego. I threw aside the next one that was the same color. I tried on one I was really excited about. It was a size Large. I'm guessing it was marked Large if you were a 14 year old Chinese gymnast trying to pass for 16! Good Lord was it tight. I was about ready to cry when finally I found one that fit. Sadly it was a peace sign with an American flag. I really didn't want to look like I was trying to make a political statement, but oh well.
By now I was feeling like the most unattractive person on earth. We had a bit of time before we needed to leave so I went downstairs with Liam to rock him while he watched a video. Rori looked at me and said, "You're so pretty, mama." And that's all that mattered. Bill took this picture of me and Liam. Looking at it, I see a mom that loves her sweet little boy so much that she would sit and watch the "Hairbrush" song on VeggieTales as many times as he wants. And frankly, he doesn't care if she has 3 shirts--oh wait, now it's 4-- that fit.
Best Books to Read (Depending on Your Mood) Pt. 2
2 months ago
Wish I looked as Schlumpy as you, dolly. Love MOM
Hmmmm....schlumpy is a wonderful word for that feeling! And you, my dear friend, are NOT at all schlumpy! Go look at the pics you have on facebook (beware of viruses -- we caught one too). You look stunning!!! You don't need South Beach either......
Not schlumpy at all! (great word, though) Target's sizing is all screwed up. I agree with Anna. You are beautiful and stylish, four shirts and all (plus all those fabulous, covetousness-inducing accessories ;-)).
Jaime, you are so beautiful that this post is hard for me to take in and hear you talk this way. I know you FEEL the way you feel, and I'm not taking your FEELINGS away from you, but when I read this, it's like I'm listening to a 3rd-grader say, "Oh, I hate being in 5th Grade. I wish I was in 3rd Grade." You ARE not fat and soooo not schlumpy. You ARE beautiful. I'd bet you $100 you couldn't find a doctor to say you need to lose weight too. :)
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