Seriously, if I end up with grey hair, I'm going to blame it on Liam. Last night he was up three times from 11 pm to 2 am. Finally at 2 we decided to give him some ibuprofen in case his teeth were bothering him. Then at 2:30 when he started crying again, Bill and I decided to let him cry for a half hour and see if he would fall asleep. Not even two minutes later we heard a thud. We both flew out of bed and into his room. He was standing on the floor crying. Somehow he hurled himself out of his crib, in his sleepsack (like a sleeping bag with armholes), and landed on the floor. How in the world did he manage to do that?! He's 16 months old, for goodness sake! I'm pretty sure Rori was pretty close to three before she climbed out of her crib. Honestly this kid is something else. He's had at least two blackeyes and stitches on his upper lip and countless bruises. He just amazes me all the time. I think his fearlessness is a good thing, but I just pray that God keeps him safe! Frankly I wish that I could be more like him, and maybe God is teaching me something through Liam. I have always been a 'fraidy cat and have probably missed out on a lot of opportunities by playing it safe. I am so thankful that God put this crazy, ridiculous, funny, loveable ball of energy in my life!
Best Books to Read (Depending on Your Mood) Pt. 2
2 months ago
That's my boy. He's an adventure for sure. I am currently looking into extended his crib to the ceiling. Is that too much like a cage? Or maybe I should just surround the outside of his crib with pillows. Less likely to get into trouble with DCSF that way. I love my boy and my girl.----Bill
How about mosquito netting? Let's hope he scared himself silly and has no idea how to do such a thing again. I love you all. MOM
Good grief!! Climbing out at 16 months? That took a lot of determination. Aaron and I are dreading the day when we hear that thud. So far it hasn't happened. I am right there with you, Jaime. Boys are a handful. Austin was a bear this AM.
he is getting way too skinny! by the way... here's the link to the video that will make you sob like me and mom just did:
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