
Our Favorite Food

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We look forward to this season every year. Fresh corn on the cob from the farmstand. There is nothing like it. Don't even get me started on grocery store corn on the cob. It's a totally different breed. However, corn on the cob season also makes me a tad sad because it means the summer is coming to an end. But then I look at these faces and forget about it :)

Papa was helping Rori with hers because she had a beautiful white dress on, and she is, of course, a lady--see below...
Liam ate 3 ears! He takes after his papa. And don't ask why the males in my house apparently have given up wearing their shirts...but this one is pretty cute :)


Anna said...

Oh my gravy....your kiddos are cute -- even Bill.:) It looks like a fun, yummy time was had by all. Have you tried grilling your corn? YUM! Maybe we should get together and have a corn dinner.:) Ok...I'm going to bed now.

Anonymous said...

Corn is great!!!I am glad my childern have found a love for the corn. Anytime Anna, I would love nothing more that to just eat corn for dinner.--Bill

Anonymous said...

Very Cute! I love my corn too, just boiled, lots of bubber and salt! Love MOM