
Todd n Ml

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

 Bill and I had an incredibly busy weekend, it was fun, but I am exhausted and need to have a day off to catch up at home! Bill's sister, Tiffany, and her daughter, Ashley, came in for the weekend because Bill's brother Todd and his fiance Marylou were having their bachelor/bachelorette parties and their couples shower this weekend.

It was fun seeing Ashley--I think it had been almost a year since we last saw her!


 We got ourselves all spiffied up for the shower. Please take notice of my manicure. It lasted one day, but I thought it was really fun. The color was Emerald City. I am normally not that bold, but sometimes I have to do something wild and crazy ;) Better watch out for my wild side!

Be sure to note Bill and Liam rocking the sweater vests!

Here's Bill and his "big" little brother

Here's Marylou, Todd's fiance. I think Bill and his brother's like girls with beautiful smiles and good teeth, what do you think? (I can say that about myself and not be vain, because my parents spent a fortune to make mine that way) Todd and Marylou have officially become Todd n Ml. It's just easier and quicker :) I'm all about efficiency.

 Continuing in the beautiful smile/good teeth genre, we have Nicki and Bill's other little brother, Nicholas, or for the efficiency experts out there, NPsquared (our last name starts with a P, get it?)

 Here's Rori with the junior bridesmaids, Olivia and Eva (she's a flower girl). I was a little insulted because she spent the whole time with them, and only needed me when she had to go potty. She even sat at their table for dinner. Is this a glimpse into my future? If that's the case.I don't think I will ever let her be old enough to go to the bathroom by herself.

The wedding is right after we get back from our vacation, and we're so excited for them! They are truly made for each other! Thanks for the fun weekend Todd n Ml!


Jenna said...

Looks like a fun time! And you're right, the boys have a thing for girls with a nice smile and straight teeth.

Anonymous said...

We had a blast this weekend and it was nice to see everyone. I can not believe the wedding is 2 months away! Thanks for all the fun Todd and ML.--Bill

Baba HooHoo said...

Congrats Todd & ML...Great teeth too by the way!

Anonymous said...

We are glad you guys had a great time - can't wait for June!
Todd n ML