
Gender Roles

Thursday, September 4, 2008

My kids are living proof that nature plays a very key role in the development of gender roles. Rori loves loves loves her disney princesses. Liam takes no interest in them. He will, on the other hand, find the toy car in the room and push it around on the floor. The first time he did that, he'd never seen anyone do it before. He just knew.

The other day, Rori decided she had a baby in her tummy first she had a baby boy, then a baby girl. I don't know if I'm ready for twins!

She loves to push her barbies around in her stroller. She's mostly a good mommy--sometimes, though, when they're naughty, she throws them.

Last weekend we went to a birthday party that was at a children's neighborhood museum. Everything was child size. Rori loved the grocery store. Liam loved the construction site.

Every once in a while they do slip out of their gender roles, but I'm glad, because Liam shows his sensitive side and Rori shows her tough side :)


Anonymous said...

awww.... btw, noah has a cold now. and i thought you were going to print a retraction about how he's sweet!

Anonymous said...

I can't see the pictures. Love you MOM

Anonymous said...

I love it!!!! Very funny. Great story, perfect photos to illustrate the point :)