Today we switched up our plan the night before, thank goodness--I am going to say it was a God thing. We ended up planning an easy Christmas craft. The reason this worked out so well was because I went to the gym for the first time in an embarrassingly long time. I ran for about two miles and stopped for a drink of water. That's when I felt it starting. I knew my exercise induced anaphylaxis was starting. On top of being nervous about how bad it might get, I was frustrated because I hadn't eaten turkey or chicken for lunch. I left the gym and took the 7 benadryl that my doctor said was safe to take. As soon as I got home, I got in the shower, and asked Bill to stay nearby because my hands and feet were itching badly and my face was swelling. I was terrified about using my epi-pen because one, I don't want to stab myself, and two, you have to go to the hospital after you use it. So...I decided to drink some children's benadryl because the liquid works faster than the pills.
It seemed to stop getting worse so I drove to Jo-Ann's to buy some yarn that I needed for my new crochet hobby that I am learning from my friend Gabli. When I got home, I asked Bill to make me some coffee, so that I could stay awake after all that benadryl, while I helped the kids with their Christmas craft. I drank a full cup. Shortly after, I felt like the floor was coming up to meet me. I felt like my legs were like lead. I was really scared that I may have OD'd on benadryl. I crawled to the bathroom while Bill called poison control. I was going to induce vomiting if need be. Rori asked me if I was going to survive. I assured her I would (however, my crazy brain was scared I may pass out and not wake up). The poison control guy told Bill I didn't take a fatal amount, but not to mix it with caffeine because it will exasperate the effects of the benadryl. Oops. So, I went and laid down for about 3 hours and willed myself to stay awake because I still had the fear that I might not wake up.
After about 3 hours I was functioning again, but I don't really remember much about the craft--it was painting and then making cards, and I did not take any pictures. Oh--but I did remember that I had a sample of a turkey roll-up at Sam's Club and I am guessing that's what set of the allergic reaction. So there you have it. Day 15 of our Advent :)
Best Books to Read (Depending on Your Mood) Pt. 2
3 months ago
Don't do that again Mama!
I agree with your mom! No more mixing turkey, running, loads of benadryl and caffeine. Glad you're okay though!
From now on before you workout you must take stock of all you have eaten that day!--Bill
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